A great starting point is my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/gnuttall00/
Here’s a few more videos I’ve produced….
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies – Impact of Covid19
A one hour webinar where I explore blockchain and cryptocurrency, the impact of Covid19 on business and how blockchain is being used to respond to the challenges.
Introduction to Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology – A 20 minute webinar I provided in August 2019 giving a high level overview explaining Blockchain, DLT and High Level Use Cases:
Blockchain in Banking – A one hour webinar I delivered in February 2019 with a 30 mins Q&A:
Introduction to Blockchains (Kolkata, India) with IndusNet:
Marine Insurance London Conference July 2018 – learning from other industries was the topic:
London Blockchain in Insurance April 2018 event, learning about blockchain changing culture, the latest work with the London Commercial Insurance Market Target Operating Model to explore blockchain and the challenges the market faces
At the 2018 Market Minds Event, Gary Nuttall provided an introduction to Blockchain in Insurance:
A question asked (and answered) at a SkillsMatter/CodeNode event in May 2016 was Can Blockchain bring a 17th Century Industry in 21st Century ?
In the video, Gary Nuttall explains Commercial Insurance, how it differs from General Insurance, and some of the Proof of Concepts used to explore blockchain i the London Commercial Insurance Market.
Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology explained for Insurance (CII)